Rejuvenation - August 2017 Update

All is well at the ranch!   

The weather in August has been all over the place!  We had some cooler weather than usual, which was a welcome respite from the summer heat. And now, we're having a heat wave, with temperatures over 100 degrees! 

This month we have gorgeous photos to share with you of the Near Pond by David Sand. 

Click Here to See David's Photos

We've been blessed with a visit from Darlene Heart, who had a wonderful time staying at the ranch.

Here is a sweet sharing about Darlene's experience at Windermere:

"Dear Beloveds,

"Three years ago, I visited Windermere for a few hours, most of which I spent asleep, Traveling and experiencing the land inwardly.  My experience was so profound that I wanted to return and experience more of the land consciously. A few weeks ago, I found gave all my possessions away drove from New Mexico to California with only what fit in my small car.  I had an inward calling to come, so I did, even with no job and little money.  I attended PAT 1, then MSS and another priority was Windermere.  As an Adopt-a-Qualit donor, we can spend the night(s) at Windermere.  So, I returned to Windermere a few weeks ago and of course received the maximum nights offered and am so glad I did!

"The minute I drove onto the property, I felt a surge of Loving expansion.  I walked into the house and was greeted by our Beloved Traveler’s Loving.  I felt so welcomed and Loved, followed by the Joy and Gratitude for me being on the land physically.  I sobbed as my heart filled.  Next, I was in awe of George, Ted and MJ with their Loving devotion of their service to Windermere.  I felt so welcomed by them and their Loving gestures.  The welcome sign they left for me was full of Love!  

"Much of my experience was sacred and I believe it was so rich because of the Loving that is anchored throughout the land with the presence of the Traveler consciousness.  I truly experienced “Heaven on Earth”.  J-R (John-Roger) left a tremendous gift for all to walk on the land and have a personal experience.  I encourage those that are called to visit Windermere, please do.  This time my intention was to fill myself up, gain clarity on my next steps and do some writing.  Now that I am in Ojai, my intention is to visit Windermere as often as I can.  Physically “Being” on the land, allowing more Blessings through me, anchoring more Loving for those who come to Be filled with all that is there for them through the Traveler and Christ consciousness.

"With my Deepest Gratitude, Loving and Light,
Darlene Heart

"P.S.  If you ever have an opportunity to have a tour by David Wright, I encourage you to do so.  He is filled with the Loving of the land and loves to share Windermere with all. "